Intensive Care Unit

Our 10-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is equipped with the latest healthcare technology to provide critical care to more than 500 patients every year.

Our team of specialist medical, nursing and allied health professionals enables local post-operative and critically ill patients not requiring tertiary level care to be cared for closer to home.

Our specialty areas include:

  • managing acute medical, surgical and obstetric admissions
  • peri-operative support for elective surgery
  • integration with the wards to provide support to patients to reduce admissions to ICU
  • follow up service after discharge from ICU to prevent readmission.

We also provide an outreach multidisciplinary service (unique in WA) to the hospital’s general wards to identify patients at risk of deterioration.

Visiting information

Visiting times

Visiting hours for the ICU is from 8am to 8pm. A maximum of two visitors are allowed at the patient’s bed space at any given time.

Visiting in the ICU may be limited at times due to doctors’ rounds, a nursing handover, procedures and unit dynamics. We ask for your patience during these times.

Please note that it may take at least 30 minutes to an hour to stabilise or settle in a new admission to the unit. Please be patient as we treat your loved one.


Children are allowed to visit however please be aware that the unit can be very confronting. All children must be closely supervised whilst in the unit.

Please reconsider bringing babies into the unit due to the risk of infection. Any exceptional circumstances can be discussed with the nurse in charge.

Preventing cross infection

Patients in the ICU are highly at risk of cross infections.

To protect patients and visitors we request you adhere to the following:

  • wash your hands with soap and water or use the alcohol based hand rub (if hands are not visibly dirty) before entering and when leaving the unit
  • apply personal protective equipment when asked by the nurse
  • do not bring flowers into the unit
  • do not visit if you are unwell or have any infectious illnesses
  • do not sit on patient’s beds
  • do not handle any lines or tubing.
Last Updated: 22/10/2024