GP Liaison Service

Armadale and Kalamunda hospitals value the role of general practitioners in the provision of care for our community.

Our GP Liaison service is focused on patient care between AHS and care in the community in collaboration with the WA Primary Health Alliance (external site).

As such, the service exists to:

  • promote clear and relevant communication and information between the hospital, general practitioners and the General Practice Networks, particularly in the areas of patient referral and discharge
  • provide a general practice perspective on patient care at Armadale and Kalamunda hospitals
  • liaise with WA Primary Health Alliance and the GP community on issues regarding the hospital/GP interface
  • work towards increasing engagement of GPs to improve continuity of care.


From GPs

To ensure prompt action, queries from GPs regarding a patient or clinical service should be directed to the relevant specialty registrar or consultant in the first instance. They may be contacted via hospital switchboard on 9391 2000. The GP Liaison Service does not usually get involved in queries from GPs regarding individual patient care, however if there is any particular issue that is not able to be easily resolved please contact Dr. Sarah Wade via email –

Patients or relatives

The GP Liaison service is unable to take queries direct from patients or relatives. These should be directed to the relevant department or the Patient Experience department on 9391 1153.

Last Updated: 12/01/2023