Private Patients

Armadale Health Service is committed to providing a high standard of care and treatment to every patient.

Patients with private health insurance have the choice to be treated as either a public or private patient. Using private health insurance makes your stay a little more comfortable and directly helps our hospital.

Regardless of financial status all patients receive the same quality of treatment and range of services. However, for patients electing to use their private health insurance there are additional benefits. These include choice of specialist doctor where possible and several free incentives.

Choosing to be a private patient

A private patient with appropriate hospital cover has no out-of-pocket expenses for their hospital accommodation, pathology, and radiology.

Some doctors’ fees are billed independently, and the doctor will advise you of this. You will need to discuss these fees with them directly.

If you would like to use your private health insurance, please inform the admissions clerk on the hospital ward or at the Emergency Department or your treating doctor.

Specialist Doctor

Armadale Health Service has a mix of staff specialist doctors and private specialist doctors providing care and treatment to our patients.

In most cases you can choose the doctor to provide your treatment. However, there may be instances where your preferred doctor is unavailable, and a suitably qualified doctor will provide your treatment.

If you are treated (or elect to be treated) by a private doctor or GP, you should discuss any potential medical gap charges directly with your doctor.

Private Fund Excess / Co-payment

Armadale Health Service can waive any excess / co-payment if you choose to activate your private health insurance.


Depending on which health fund you are with, you may receive an invoice for radiology services. You can claim these costs from Medicare and your health fund.

If Medicare or your health fund does not cover the full cost of your radiology scans and you incur a gap payment, please contact our Business Support Unit on 9391 2000 and we will settle payment with the radiology provider on your behalf.

All inpatients who elect to use their private health insurance will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses for radiology services.

Benefitting you

General hospital inpatients

As a private patient, you will receive complimentary:

  • $20 daily Aroma Café / hospital kiosk voucher
  • Free TV rental
  • Daily newspapers
  • Phone calls (capped at $5 per week)
  • Toiletries pack containing tissues, conditioning shampoo, shower cap, vanity set, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

Same day patients

As a same day private patient (e.g., surgical or dialysis), you will receive a $20 voucher to use at Aroma Café or the hospital kiosk.

Mental health inpatients

As a private patient in the mental health ward, you will receive complimentary:

  • Daily newspapers
  • Toiletries pack
  • $20 daily Aroma Café / hospital kiosk voucher.

Benefitting your local hospital

Money received from your private health fund goes directly back to this hospital and enables us to purchase additional equipment, maintain facilities and provide better services for the community.

Private rooms

As a private patient you may request a single room and we will make every effort to facilitate this.

However, we are unable to guarantee single room availability at the time of your admission as priority is given to patients according to medically assessed needs.


Last Updated: 24/07/2024