Our dedicated team of gynaecologists works in partnership with nursing and theatre staff to deliver quality care to women at Armadale Health Service.
Our outpatient gynaecological services include:
- outpatient clinics.
- colposcopy and LLETZ procedures (mostly done in operating theatres)
- intrauterine (IUD) insertion.
Gynaecological surgeries which include:
- advanced laparoscopic surgery including total laparoscopic hysterectomy, subtotal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic removal of fibroids and treatment of endometriosis
- Prolapse surgery including pelvic floor repair, sacro-spinous fixation
- Incontinence surgery including TVT-O, TVT, Miniarc
- Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomies, oophrectomies, ovarian drilling
- Lararoscopic ectopic pregnancy maangement
- Sterilisation both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic (Essure)
- Endometrial ablation.
Information for health professionals
All routine general referrals should be made through the Central Referal Service.
Fax: 1300 365 056
Central Referral Service
PO Box 3462
Midland WA 6056
All gynaecological referrals are accepted, except proven gynaecological malignancies.
Urgent referrals
All urgent referrals should be faxed to us on 9391 2558.
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