Continence Clinic

Our Continence Clinics are coordinated by Continence Advisor and/or Continence Link nurses who are specially trained to offer assessment, advice, treatment and support for people with continence issues.

Our services include:

  • assessment and plan of care
  • conservative management
  • education regarding good bladder habits – fluids, diet
  • pelvic muscles exercises
  • bladder drill and deferment techniques
  • teaching intermittent self-catheterisation, IDC care, self-dilatation etc.
  • information on aids and appliances as well as samples
  • assistance to access eligible subsidy schemes
  • follow up in community if necessary. 

We have both adult and paediatric clinics at Armadale.

Adult Continence Clinic

Our continence advisors offer assessment, advice, treatment and support for adults with continence issues.

The clinic criteria and referral pathway is via Clinician Assist WA » Login

Paediatric Continence Clinic

Our continence advisors offer assessment, advice, treatment and support for children with daytime bladder and bowel dysfunction issues (excludes nocturnal enuresis).

Nocturnal enuresis referrals should be forwarded to


Referrals to the Armadale Health Service Continence Clinics are accepted from specialists (i.e. urologists, gynaecologists etc) and general practitioners (GPs). Please include the reasons for the referral and the patient's medical history.

Referrals can be sent via Central Referral Service for GPs, or direct to the Armadale Referral Office via email to or fax to us on 9391 2262.

Last Updated: 24/12/2024