Voluntary assisted dying board

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Board (the Board) is established under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 for the purpose of ensuring proper adherence to the legislation and to recommend safety and quality improvements. The Board has mainly advisory and monitoring functions, it does not have an investigatory or enforcement role. The Board does not make decisions regarding applications for voluntary assisted dying.

Members of the Board

The members of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board are:


DR Scott Blackwell

Dr Scott Blackwell

The Board is chaired by general practitioner and former Australian Medical Association Western Australia Branch President, Dr Scott Blackwell. Dr Blackwell has expertise in palliative and aged care and was the Chairperson of the Implementation Leadership Team on voluntary assisted dying.

Colin Holt

Hon Colin Holt (Deputy chairperson)

Mr Holt was a Member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, representing the South West Region, from 2009 to 2021. He was also Deputy Chairperson of the Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices.

Maria Osman

Ms Maria Osman

Ms Osman is a Non-Executive Director with over forty years’ experience working in human rights, diversity and gender equality. Maria was a member of the Ministerial Expert Panel on voluntary assisted dying and is currently a board member of the UWA Public Policy Institute-International Advisory Committee, the Child and Adolescent Health Services Board (CAHS) and the Gnaala Karla Booja Aboriginal Corporation.

Linda Savage

Ms Linda Savage

Ms Savage is a lawyer and a former Member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia, Director of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, and legal member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Past board positions include Dying with Dignity WA, the Reproductive Technology Council of WA, the National Drug Research Institute, the Art Gallery of WA and the Black Swan State Theatre Company. She is currently a board member of the UWA Public Policy Institute International Advisory Committee and Upswell Publishing.

Dr Gareth Wahl

Dr Wahl is a passionate advocate for patient-centred care, and an experienced VAD Practitioner with a background in Emergency Medicine and Medical Administration. He holds the position of Director Clinical Services, Women and Newborn Health Service and was previously Clinical Lead for End of Life Care for the WA Department of Health and VAD Clinical Lead for the North Metropolitan Health Service.


Functions of the Board

The Board has the following functions:

  • to monitor the operation of the Act
  • to provide to the Minister for Health or the Director General of the Department of Health (as the CEO under the Act), on its own initiative or on request, advice, information and reports on matters relating to the operation of the Act, including any recommendations for the improvements of voluntary assisted dying
  • to refer to any of the following persons or bodies any matter identified by the Board in relation to voluntary assisted dying that is relevant to the functions of the Commissioner of Police, the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the State Coroner, the CEO, the Director General of the Department of Justice, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the Director of the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
  • to conduct analysis of, and research in relation to, information given to the Board under the Act
  • to collect, use and disclose information given to the Board under the Act for the purposes of performing its functions
  • any other function given to the Board under the Act. 

Information related to functions of the Board

Submitting forms to the Board

The process for voluntary assisted dying has a number of forms that are required to be submitted to the Board.

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Information Management System (VAD-IMS) is the online platform by which practitioners can submit forms to the Board.

Most forms will be submitted by practitioners who have registered and completed the WA VAD Approved Training. These practitioners will have their own log in to VAD-IMS.

However, there are some practitioners who will need to complete and submit a form without having access to VAD-IMS. These forms include:

  • the First Request Form
  • the Consultation Referral Form
  • the Authorised Disposal Form
  • the Notification of Death (Other Medical Practitioner) Form

These forms can be completed via VAD-IMS without logging in to the system.

For further information on how to use VAD-IMS please refer to the section ‘VAD-IMS user support’.

For further information on the requirements of the voluntary assisted dying process please refer to the following resources:

VAD-IMS user support

There are two main types of practitioners who will need to use VAD-IMS. Those who have a log in for access to the system and those who do not.

Practitioners who have a log in to VAD-IMS

Full user support documentation and demonstration videos are available on the VAD-IMS Resource Hub. As part of the VAD-IMS registration process you will have been given access to VAD-IMS to access the Resource Hub. 

Practitioners who do not have a log in to VAD-IMS

The following Quick Reference Guides should assist you to complete your submission:

The following short demonstration videos may also assist you to complete your submission:

If you are seeking access to VAD-IMS:

User support from the Board Secretariat Unit

If you require further assistance, please contact the Board Secretariat Unit via VADBoard@health.wa.gov.au

If you are having issues with submitting a form via VAD-IMS upload please contact the Board Secretariat Unit for assistance via VADBoard@health.wa.gov.au

In the case of unresolved upload issues, forms may also be submitted to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board via fax on (08) 9222 0399 or via post addressed to:

Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Secretariat Unit
Office of the Chief Medical Officer
PO Box 8172
Perth Business Centre
Perth WA 6849

Annual reports

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Board is required to prepare and give to the Minister for Health a report on the operation of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 within 6 months of the end of each financial year.

Submitting feedback to the Board

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Board receives feedback via Personal reflections form (PDF 455KB) from those involved in the voluntary assisted dying process including patients, families, carers, friends and healthcare staff. Personal reflections may be used by the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board to improve the operation of voluntary assisted dying processes and inform safety and quality improvements relating to voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia.

Completed Personal reflections form (PDF 455KB) can be returned to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board via:

  1. Email to VADBoard@health.wa.gov.au 
  2. Post addressed to: 
    Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Secretariat Unit 
    PO Box 8172
    Perth Business Centre
    Perth WA 6849
  3. Fax to 08 9222 0399

More information

WA Voluntary Assisted Dying Statewide Care Navigator Service
Ph: 08 9431 2755 or Email: VADcarenavigator@health.wa.gov.au

WA Voluntary Assisted Dying Statewide Pharmacy Service
Ph: 08 6383 3088 or Email: StatewidePharmacy@health.wa.gov.au

Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Secretariat Unit
Email: VADBoard@health.wa.gov.au
Fax: (08) 9222 0399

If your patient is currently accessing health services at a metropolitan health service provider you can also refer (or your patient can self-refer) to the relevant end-of-life choices coordinator to receive support in finding a medical practitioner who can accept a First Request and explore their end-of-life priorities:

North Metropolitan Health Service VAD Coordinator
Email: NMHS.VAD@health.wa.gov.au
Phone: 0479 177 780

East Metropolitan Health Service End of Life Choices Coordinator
Email: EMHS.VAD@health.wa.gov.au
Phone: 0481 479 915

South Metropolitan Health Service Clinical End of Life Choice Nurse Lead
Email: SMHS.VADProgramManager@health.wa.gov.au
Phone: 0479 190 988

Concerns and complaints

If you are unhappy with the care provided or your experience during the voluntary assisted dying process, you are encouraged to talk to the healthcare worker or staff member involved and tell them your concerns. This is usually the quickest way to fix the problem. If you do not feel comfortable doing this or aren’t satisfied with their response, you can make a complaint with the health service or hospital directly. Many hospitals, health services or agencies have a Consumer Liaison Office, who should be able to give you information about the complaints process.

You can make a complaint about individuals or organisations that provide health, disability or mental health services to the Health and Disability Services Complaint Office (HaDSCO). Further information can be found on the HaDSCO website.

You can raise concerns about the conduct or performance of a registered health practitioner with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Further information can be found on the AHPRA website.

You can raise concerns about a health professional not meeting the requirements of the Act with the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board via:

  1. Email to VADBoard@health.wa.gov.au
  2. Post addressed to:
    Voluntary Assisted Dying Board Secretariat Unit
    Office of the Chief Medical Officer
    PO Box 8172
    Perth Business Centre
    Perth WA 6849
  3. Fax to (08) 9222 0399
Last reviewed: 28-01-2025
Produced by

Voluntary Assisted Dying Board